Wednesday, January 8, 2014

This is what I want

I want to come back to my house at night...Tired and completely exhausted....Freshen up... Have something to eat...And crash on the bed....And moments before I fall asleep I should think about the days events and realize 'Yes! I had such an awesome day'

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Misplacing your keys can end up with you having a great day

It has now become a habit for me to play an hour of table tennis or badminton on a daily basis. So as usual, I had gone yesterday, played for an hour and then returned home, only to realize that my keys were missing. Yes I hate that. I hate missing keys. I know its not that it was a big deal because you could always get a duplicate done but I just hate the process of getting it done. So best possible solution: Retrace the path. And it is a 20 min walk. Well, I didnt have any choice. So I started cursing myself and walked back.

Fast forward: I found the keys at the entrance to the club where I play badminton/table tennis :)
By this time, it was pretty late, so I decided to have dinner outside. So I walk to a nice restaurant nearby and order. I had my badminton racket with me and seeing this, some random guy started asking where do I play and stuff. And we just kept talking that I ended up having dinner with an amazing person. Only when I left did I realize that I had spent an  hour there. :)

And then the walk back home. And I felt that my day went really good. All thanks to misplacing my keys. In case I had not done that, I would have had another normal day with not many good surprises....But that was not the case.
Sometimes things which you curse initially may actually turn out to be good later. :)